Help restoring registry edits made by Respondus Lockdown browser

Recently found out that the lockdown browser required by my school is essentially malware and that it has made changes to my registry that are impacting my PC's performance. What is the best way to fix these without doing a factory reset? I have a system restore point from a couple days before I installed it, but I'm a bit confused on the difference between an automatic system restore point (which is dated after the install) and a windows module installer restore point (a couple days before the install). If I were to restore from the earlier point, exactly how much stuff on my PC would I lose? As a note, I'm only as tech savvy as I am good at Googling. Any help is appreciated.


  • Shoan041
    Shoan041 ✭✭✭✭
    100 Comments Second Anniversary 25 Likes 5 Answers


    I don't recommend messing with anything in the register on your own. I would take your computer into your nearest Micro Center and letting them diagnosis it.

  • PowerSpec_MikeW
    PowerSpec_MikeW PowerSpec Engineer
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Answers 250 Likes


    Windows module installer restore point, means it's a restore point before an update was installed. If it was before the software was installed, restoring to that should do the trick. You will have to reinstall the windows update that the restore point references, as it'll be rolled back as well. That's the easiest way.

    Alternatively, you can check C:\Windows\System32\Config\Regback to see if you have any old registry backups. You could try to load it as a hive and compare, but it would be an extremely tedious, difficult and risky option. You could also do a reset and keep files. You would need to reinstall all your software again.

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