4070 Ti Issue

Attached is my PC build except I have Windows 11 not 10

But let me start by saying I am pretty much clueless when it comes to builds. From what I’ve been told by friends, with the GPU I have, I shouldn’t be having the issue I am

I mainly play FiveM/GTA 5 and Warzone which is when the issue usually happens but it also happens when I’m not running any games and just have Discord up

My screen that has the cord connected to my GPU will go black and I will lose connection to that screen all while my fans on my GPU go crazy and the only way to stop it is to turn my PC off. When this happens I get no warnings or pop-ups on my screen

I brought my PC to MicroCenter and they said they ran multiple diagnostics and tests and found no issue with my GPU or anything with my build

Does anyone have any idea what could be causing this issue and if I can remedy it?


  • PowerSpec_MikeW
    PowerSpec_MikeW PowerSpec Engineer
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Answers 250 Likes


    GPU is crashing and becomes unresponsive. No thermal control, which is why the fans run 100%. First thing I would look at is power. It looks like your power supply doesn't have the 12VHPWR connector, so I assume you're using the adapter? I would reseat it, make sure it's fully seated.

  • @PowerSpec_MikeW I just brought it back to Microcenter. I purchased a Kraken 3 fan AIO as well as a 2TB SSD

    I’m going to call and ask them to also check out the power supply. 

    I watched my GPU on NZXT when I was playing GTA and the fan would drop to 0 multiple times. 

    I’m really at a loss on what it is
  • PowerSpec_MikeW
    PowerSpec_MikeW PowerSpec Engineer
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Answers 250 Likes


    Depends on the temps. A lot of these new cards aren't turning the fans on until it hits 60C, so if you're hovering around there it could turn off intermittently.

    Given that it seems to work fine in the store, I would stick to troubleshooting power. But don't stop at the PC. Consider the power cable, make sure it's the one that came with your PSU. Replace it if possible. Check the outlet as well. If it happens at home and doesn't happen at the store, an environmental is the most likely culprit.

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