Need recommendation on best external SDD or HDD drive for large data back-up
I work from home and while I have access to corporate servers in the main office, they have layers of security that make it extremely difficult for my filed crews to access. I have a Drop Box account that I set up to store all of my field crew documents for easy access. Capacity of the Drop Box file is currently 5TB+
I need to find the best option for setting up a back-up for the Drop Box folder. Am I best served with an SSD or an HDD external drive?
I need something with TB+ space and fast to give me some cushion as the file grows.
we work totally on windows systems for an HDD can be configured for only NTFS but can also have system compatibility with Windows and Mac if it does not hinder the performance.
looking for some advice for purchase.
You can go with pretty much whatever external you want, but you may find some hiccups from time to time if your drive is not plugged in all the time. You may want to consider a NAS on your network. I have in many cases installed a Synology which you can link directly to the dropbox and have those sync back and forth all the time, then you can work from either the dropbox account or directly to the NAS.
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