New PowerSpec G471 Cannot Drive Samsung G9 in 240Hz
I bought the G471 and G9 at the end of July and it was running fine for awhile - even gamed in super ultra-wide at 240Hz with all the settings maxed out- AMAZING! But then, it started this thing where suddenly the screen goes black and the fans ramp up and all I can do is a forced reboot. It's doing it more and more frequently. If I dumb the monitor down to 120Hz, it'll last a little longer (usually) but it still eventually crashes. It seems just a single browser window opened to a YouTube video is enough to kill it... sometimes I don't even make it far enough to enter my PIN to get into Windows before it crashes. I have updated all my drivers, uninstalled and reinstalled my Geforce drivers and it continues to crash. I've stopped short of getting into the PC case for fear of messing with my warranty. Anyone with similar issues with the PowerSpec PCs? Did I waste my money on a dud? Is this solvable without a drive back to MicroCenter or should I just throw in the towel and take it in? Boooo! 😒
Sounds like the GPU driver is crashing. Check Event Viewer - Custom Views - Administrative Events. Scroll to the time of the crash and look for Nvidia display driver crash. Lets check that first. When you say the fans go to max, is that just the GPU or the entire system?
Thanks for the response, Mike. The event viewer rarely traps anything, when it does, it seems to point to dwm.exe. I've never seen a fault on any of the Nvidia drivers. When the fans kick on, it's all fans, GPU and case fans. I'll have to double-check if the cooler fans kick too the next time it happens. I can send you the logs if you want to send me an email and we take it offline. I appreciate your help!
@PowerSpec_MikeW Updated: Just crashed... confirmed all fans kick to max speed - cooler, GPU, and case fans. Cannot see any entry logged to the event viewer logs. I have it saved off if it will help diagnose the issue.
Sounds like the system restarts and then hangs without initializing the CPU. No fan control, everything runs at 100%. What are the debug LED's on the top right of the board doing when this happens?
@PowerSpec_MikeW So, when the monitor goes black, I can still here the video/audio playing and all the fans ramp up but none of the LEDs light up. I just crashed and let the fans run (it will eventually stop itself and reboot) - at that point the top (CPU?) LED goes red and the third down (VGA?) LED goes yellow/orange. I have the G9 plugged into the RTX4080 via display port cable. No other monitors present.
The audio is playing normally? It's not stuck in a loop or just static? When the monitor goes black, that is.
@PowerSpec_MikeW It plays along like nothing is wrong, it seems to be just the monitor that faults... or the GPU... from the LED display, it sounds like I might need to take it in to have the CPU re-pasted and the GPU re-seated maybe?
That means it's the GPU. Card crashes, you can't see what's going on. It sounds like it does eventually BSOD if you leave it on. You can do a clean install of the GPU driver with DDU, but hardware is far more likely. Check the power connectors on the PSU and the card. Aside from that a defective GPU is likely.
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