It's time to take down carterpcs!
Carterpcs has been talking a big game lately, coming after me and my fans and I think its time to put him in his place.
So we're dueling, my Micro Center versus his, St. Davids vs Madison Heights
But i can't do it alone. I want your suggestions on ways to make my PC the best and Carter look like a fool in front of his fans. Give me sabotage ideas!
Check out all the details here:
Leave suggestions below for parts I can use in my build. And parts I should make Carter use! I was thinking a full-sized GPU in a micro ATX case, but I know my fans can come up with a better sabotage!
temu light strips all over the pc and every single part in the pc is a diffrent color + ur idea + lego brick case 1x1
edit: for the case im thinking
heres the pc: pcpartpicker. com/list/NrKMwg
+ TONS OF TEMU LIGHT STRIPS, and throw in a hello kitty alarm clock cause why not
Random leds all over the outside of the case leading inside with the most biggest case thats also terrible plus your idea with a i9 14900KF with the worst stock cooler you can find with 2 random different ram sticks with no color scheme for the pc (tiktok-brandon.davis609)
You should grab some of the smallest cardboard boxes you can find and just put the motherboard with a big cpu. Put cooling fans on the sides, exposed. Then use duct tape to hold the boxes together so let’s say there’s 3 small boxes middle has motherboard etc and the sides have cooling fans in them just wrap it in duct tape put goggly eyes on the front of the box. You could put airplane wings if you really wanted. Then just put LED strips all over it on the edges (sound responsive would be cool). Last but not least you also should make it a decent computer like it runs idk 100 frames on average for example so it exceeds expectations.
Get a shoe box and put the smallest components you can in it while still making it overkill and then put leds all around the outside of the box
Buy a hp pavilion desktop and then put as good parts as you can inside it
Build a pc with no case then put it in a pillow case
You should have asus b760-i mini its Paired with a intel i9 14900k and buy a stock cooler with that.🔥🔥4090 / Asus rog Hyperion gr701/asus rig Thor platinum II 1200 watt power supply and Crucial 2tb 4x4 nvm, g skill ram the highest you can get, throw the worst fans MasterFan MF140 Halo Duo-Ring ARGB Lighting. X 4
Get like an xbox series x and remove all the parts and try to build the pc inside and have the power button the actual xbox logo it would be so cool
Get him a pc with good specs and put a bunch of rocks inside it
Do a retro theme but shove in a custom water cooled 4090 but the rest of the specs are super old parts
Rgb Light strips and alot of them, no cable management at all, decal or stickers not good ones only corny ones, every component has to be a different color and different brands if possible and any case you find ugly
give him Some noctua fans, and some RGB fans.
Then idk what will be worse, 1 stick of ram, or multiple sticks of different colours of ram. -
Make the tire spin
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