kayjayohpcs VS carterpcs Custom PC: Who Wins?
kayjayohpcsLet’s go Kayjayohpcs !!!
carterpcsCarter bc it’s Christmas time
kayjayoh is more on a tire than in a tire. Carters also got that Christmas look.
kayjayohpcsVote kayjay
carterpcsCHRISTMAS PC🗣️🔛🔝🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥☃️☃️❄️🎄🎄🎄🎅🎅🎅🎅🌟
carterpcsI voted Carter (I play on my school laptop)
carterpcsCarter decorated his because he had bad parts and kayjay just basically put his expensive bike on top of a tire that's it
carterpcsCarter pcs is def better and i an also really tryna get a pc ive been trying to get one for years my display name is Her Man❤️
carterpcsI voted please give me the PC parts for John. I told you about his in the video that you said you’ll give the PC parts to the top comment
carterpcsCarter 🔛🔝🗣
kayjayohpcsKayjay ontop 💪 idc if he loses
carterpcsgalaxy s23 ultra
carterpcsgalaxy s23 ultra
carterpcsgimme dat phone sexy boy (it'll save you money cause I don't want an expensive pc I just want that)
carterpcsplease I'll do anything my phone sucks I'm poor
carterpcsVoted for Carter
carterpcsCarter I know you get asked for a pc every but can I please get one I recently started streaming some games on PlayStation I already got 10 followers after 2-3 weeks that’s progress
kayjayohpcsI voted for you Kay now put it in a car and use it
I commented on Carter's tiktok and i basically wrote a whole essay on why i should get the pc, name is Batmanchickennugget361
carterpcsCarter LANDSLIDE
carterpcsCarter absolutely demolished kayjay is build is gonna be wild. The tire was quite the excellent idea.
carterpcsThank u for voting me
carterpcs863rd to vote Carter
carterpcsIt’s kinda unfair
carterpcsI'm voting for the thug shake...
kayjayohpcsIf Carter wins I will throw 400°F honey buns at my local homeless shelter
i love democracy.
carterpcs1117th vote Carter, I want you to respond to me on ig
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