Powerspec G150, Has power but no screen

Okay honestly I have no clue what I'm doing so please be patient.

I have an old PowerSpec G150 that I bought from Micro Center YEARS and YEARS ago. It's been sitting dormant for the past two years and now I'm trying to finally setup a space where it would be nice to have this desktop working again.

When I press the power button it seems to fire up but nothing shows on the monitor. I can hear the fans, the lights come on, I hear it trying to read a CD I put in the drive but the screen is dark. I've tried different monitors, different cords, different style of cords but nothing appears to be working. I am not plugged into the top, I am indeed plugged into the video card. I've done where everything is shut down and unconnected everything, I leave it completely unplugged over night or I've also pushed the power button to discharge but still no joy. Nothing appears to be bulging on any of the boards and I can't find any lose connections. It was working a week ago but after I shut it down while I was out of town, the thing won't boot up anymore.

If anyone has any ideas I would love to hear them. Please be mindful I'm still learning all the terms and teaching myself as I go, so if you could dumb it down a bit, it's appreciated.

I may end up taking it into the store but by working hours make that difficult. Thanks in advance!


  • PowerSpec_MikeW
    PowerSpec_MikeW PowerSpec Engineer
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Answers 250 Likes


    When the fans come on, do you hear the fan speed drop after a few seconds or is it consistent? That's good information to determine what's going on here. It's either a No video, or No POST. Best way to rule it out is by removing hardware. I'd start with the WIFI card, as it's the best case scenario, especially if you aren't using it anymore. Next, test the RAM sticks individually, and finally we look at the GPU.

    The fan noise will tell you where it likely is. If they're consistent, WIFI/RAM is more likely. If they slow down, sounds like a No video issue and the GPU is more likely.

  • Fan appears to be consistent. I can't get anything to run by taking out the wifi. I don't have any spare RAM so I am going to buy a few so I can try swapping those out. Fingers crossed!

  • PowerSpec_MikeW
    PowerSpec_MikeW PowerSpec Engineer
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Answers 250 Likes


    Consistent fan would indicate it fails immediately at POST. It's hard to tell just by listening to it though.

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