I purchased two services that were not needed

A month ago I took my computer in for a diagnostics. What was recommended was a reimagining. Since I couldn't repair my OS or reinstall it, I had no choice but to agree.

Two weeks later I get it back. The reimagining was corrupted. I return and had it redone. I was then recommended a BIOS flash, which in agreed to. At the same time I am informed at my CPU was defective, but was not told that this failure was the reason it failed to reimage until I discovered my PC continued to have problems.

Sure enough, after installing a replacement I was about to reimage my own computer without any issues.

The point is that I feel that I was recommended and sold two services that I did not need based upon an incomplete diagnostic test that never informed me that the CPU was bad and preventing the installation of the OS.

I would like a refund for these two services, but couldn't find anything regarding refunds on services in the Microcenter policy.

Could anyone help me out, please?


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