Can I improve the way my PowerSpec pulls in the Wi-Fi?

First timer here.. I bought my son a PowerSpec G511 gaming pc about a year ago.  We have Xfinity  gigabit speed internet and their Gateway router and I can stream HDTV anywhere in the house. In fact, my older son constantly plays multiplayer games on his Xbox Series X in the basement (router is 2 stories higher) with no lag issues.  However, my son with the PowerSpec is literally located across the hallway from our router and constantly complains about lagging and download speed.  Tonight I humored him and ran an Ethernet cable direct to his pc and he says he hasn’t had any lagging since.  Is he yanking my chain or could there be an issue with the pc’s ability to connect via WiFi?  Are there better antennas to buy for the pc than the one that came with it?   Appreciate any feedback.  


  • PowerSpec_MikeW
    PowerSpec_MikeW PowerSpec Engineer
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Answers 250 Likes


    Card on that unit is a Intel Dual Band 3168 AC card, WiFi 5. It's a basic card, max speed is 433 Mbps, on the 5GHz band. I'm assuming the Gateway is probably at least AX. Which band he's connecting to can have a significant impact. Depending on the capabilities of your router, there are upgrades that would also have a significant impact.

    Quick question though. Did he connect the antennas that were included with the PC?

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