RGB on fans not working - Powerspec G72
I had to reinstall windows 11. Since then, my RGB lights are not working. I've been throughout the interwebs and tried all the solutions. (e.g, reinstalling mystic lights, etc)
Does anyone have a clue that might help me? Thanks
Are they off or are you unable to control them via software?
They are off. The "mystic light service" is running
Does it respond if you press the "M" button on the top of the chassis?
Nope... Some of the things I tried
1) reinstall mystic lights.
2) download MSI center and tried to installed mystic lights from there
3) updated bios
4) Shut down computer and unplugged power chord, then held power button
5) Said a few "Hail Mary's"
That should override the software, could be a failed controller. Turn the system off and unplug it. Wait a minute. Plug it back in and turn it back on. If the RGB's are still off. Hold the M button for 5 seconds. Try it one more time if there's no response, see if there's any activity at all from the RGB's.
That didn't work. The only activity I get if I hard shut down the power button, I get a flash of light around the inner fans.
These went out right after re-installing Windows 11. Right from the first boot
Sounds like the install was a coincidence and the controller died. Are you comfortable replacing it?
Yes, I would be..I would need guidance on what to get I bought the PC last May. It should still be under warranty,
Where is the controller located in the PC? Thanks
Looking at it from the front, remove the panel on the right side. It's above the PSU in the center.
Thanks. It's working. I appreciate all your help
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