Sata SSD
I recently got a 2TB Inland Sata SSD When I plugged it into my computer it reads. But when I try to allocate it tells me that my drive does not exist. When I tried it on my older PC it still didn't work. I have tried to use other ports and cables. When I run a health check on it, it says the drive is healthy. Help?
Right click "Start" then select "Disk Management". On a new drive you'll need to initialize and format it.
When I do that it’s tells me the drive can’t be found as specified
When does it say that, when it's initialized or your try to partition?
Sometimes it will boot up to an allocated RAW drive and sometimes it will boot to a none initialize drive. Then when I try to initialize or format it tells me. The drive can’t be found as specified
Is this a brand new drive? If not, was it ever used for any other types of devices that may have installed on OS on it with a non-NTFS/FAT file system?
It’s a brand new 2TB inland drive that I bought from micro center
Seems very likely the SSD is bad, I would let us exchange it. Other things I can suggest trying if you want to. Elevated Command Prompt.
list Disk
Select disk # (# is the number of the 2TB drive)
clean (Warning, this will wipe the selected drive)
If that fails try:
convert gpt
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