Deylayed keyboard response
I just upgraded my pc and everytime i play a game and press a key it takes 2-3 seconds for the action to happen and its only on games. I've tried everything to fix it but nothing seems to work and i havent been able to play anything. If anyone knows how to fix this please lmk
Check your "Accessibility" settings in case nothing was turned on unintentionally there, also do you get this behavior in things like notepad or another app?
i only have print screen key to open screen capture on and no it only happens when i play games
A few questions.
- What brand and model is the keyboard?
- Did you do a clean install after the upgrade?
- It happens in every game you play, but not outside of games?
- Is the keyboard in a USB hub or directly to the system? USB 2.0 or 3.2 port?
- Is there anything connected to the keyboard if it has a USB passthrough?
- Gigabyte z790 aorus elite ax ddr4
- Yes
- yes only when i play games
- directly on the system 3.2 port
- no
Do you have Microsoft PowerToys installed?
It's most likely a third party program. Do you have anything installed that lets you modify settings on the keyboard?
i have the my keyboards driver program and thats preety much it
What's the program called?
You might also look at: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4d36e96b-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
In the registry. I'd be curious to know what the values for your Upper and Lower filters are.
its called EPOMAKER Driver
is this the right thing?
That's it. kbdclass is normal. ekbdflt is an anti-keylogger for ESET. I'd uninstall ESET and see if the problem persists.
so i just delete the whole program or can i just disable it on the ESET program?
Uninstall it from Apps, follow the uninstall prompts. You can reinstall it later and reactive with your account or key. Just curious if the anti-keylogger is the cause here. It works be scrambling the input and 'decoding' for whichever program the data is targeted at. I've seen it break and fail to decode the input. Stands to reason it could be having an issue and causing the lag in games.
now at first it works but now whenever i click alot of buttons fast it seems to lag out and make the click happen 5 seconds after
also can i never install my anti virus again?
You can reinstall it and see if the problem returns. If it does, I'd disable the keyboard protection for now.
And when this happens it's only the keyboard, the mouse input is fine?
Yea it’s only the keyboard
What if you temporarily uninstall the EPOMaker software?
I've tried that but it doesn't seem to do anything
I'd test another keyboard, and rule it down to this specific keyboard, or this brand/model of keyboard.
I tested out another wireless keyboard and it gave me the same problem but when I test my keyboard on a different pc it worked fine
Try Autoruns:
Screenshot everything that's running.
Looks like the PC came with Norton preinstalled? I'd run their removal utility here and gut that:
Try that first. If it still does it, I might try uninstalling iCUE temporarily.
removing Norton seem to have fixed it
thank you so much man if my keyboard has any other problems ill lyk
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