what Heatsink should I buy for 990 evo 1tb samsung m.2 ssd.

I recently bought the i9 bundle from microcenter that comes with ram and the Z790-V WIFI motherboard. But when installing the ssd into the motherboard I realized there wasn't a heatsink cover with thermal pads for the ssd. What should I buy.


  • PowerSpec_KenJ
    PowerSpec_KenJ PowerSpec Engineer
    Fourth Anniversary 5 Answers 10 Comments 5 Likes

    The 990 Pro is a fairly cool SSD. A heatsink would lower temps, but it isn't necessary. The airflow in most chassis is more than enough for a Gen 4 SSD. Many M.2 heatsinks actually insulate the SSD instead of cool it, causing it to run hotter. These are the flat ones without cooling fins. If you want to use a heatsink, the brand isn't important as they are all aluminum, but make sure it has more fins for more surface area.

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