Infuriating computer problem and how Micro Center would fix it + Install inquiry


So I've been having an issue for months now regarding games and apps crashing on my desktop computer, particularly during loading, buffering (like when performing optical disc copying) and installation. Mostly the games but sometimes the apps, too, and Firefox tabs.

Reinstalling the OS didn't help. Replacing the motherboard, hard drive, video card and memory didn't help. Memory was replaced three times because that seemed the most likely culprit. Replacing the PSU actually alleviated some of the app crashes, but did not do anything for the games. The only component I have not replaced is the processor, and I'm skeptical the processor is actually the culprit. The tests that I have ran have universally came back clean.

How rigorously would the Micro Center repair guys test this thing? What is their success rate on a difficult problem like this when someone already experienced in computer hardware has been at it for months to no avail?

As a side question, if I wanted to get water cooling installed on my computer, would they help with that?

Thanks in advance.


  • PowerSpec_MikeW
    PowerSpec_MikeW PowerSpec Engineer
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Answers 250 Likes


    Water cooling shouldn't be a factor. List your full specs. Diagnostic wise since you know it's not RAM, I'd try Prime95. Smallest FFT's, see if it throws any rounding errors. That'll be L2/cache only, won't touch the RAM.

  • It's already in my profile if you'd like to look. I'll check out Prime95.

    The Water Cooling is actually an unrelated thing. My brother is looking to change from fans to water cooling on one of his systems, and I was wondering if Micro Center's Tech Center would help with the transition.

  • PowerSpec_MikeW
    PowerSpec_MikeW PowerSpec Engineer
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Answers 250 Likes


    Your local store should be able to, we have build services for custom loops.

  • So I tried Prime95. Did a couple runs, at the "smallest" setting. First run went for 4 hours, no issues encountered. Did another run for 5 hours with "Round-off Checking" turned on, and still had no issues. This would seem to indicate the processor does not have any issues. Which... seems to eliminate the last avenue of hardware. Any ideas as to where I should go from here?

  • PowerSpec_MikeW
    PowerSpec_MikeW PowerSpec Engineer
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Answers 250 Likes


    Smallest would of hit the L2 cache hard, only. Second test I would of ran on small, that'll hit L3 and push into RAM. But I only really use Prime95 to rule out a CPU cache issue. I'd move over to OCCT:

    I'd like to do a CPU test, but you can hit the bronze stability certificate, that has 45 minutes of CPU testing. See if it'll pass. 90 minute test. 45 CPU, 15 mem and as I recall 30 minute adaptive GPU test. That test is useful, as it'll alternate the card from low to high rather than just maxing the card out.

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