Upgrade PowerSpec G439
Pretty new to replacing PC parts. If I wanted to upgrade the G439 from a 3070ti to a 4080 Super, what would I need to replace in addition to the GPU?
Best Answer
Power supply would be the only other concern. For two reasons:
- I'd rate your max power consumption under heavy GPU/CPU load at 600W. That's 80% on the stock 750W unit, you're losing efficiency. An 850W would be a better option. Keep in mind that's heavy CPU load. Gaming, you'll probably hit 70%. That's more reasonable.
- 4080 has the 12VHPWR connector. It'd be nice to not have to use an adapter with an ATX 3.0 PSU. With that connector, you have to be careful of the angle of the bend, a large card in this 205 chassis can be pretty tight. Depending on the card, you may want to look for a PSU with an angled 12VHPWR or a right angle adapter.
Look at cards under 14", that the maximum for the chassis. If you don't want to use a right angle adapter, consider the Gigabyte WindForce card. The connectors on the back and points toward the front of the chassis.
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