Can't connect USB devices to docking stations with new HP Elitebook 645 laptop


I previously had a Lenovo laptop and everything connected wonderfully with a docking station.

I had to return it and I recently purchased a HP elitebook 645 from Microcenter.

I've tried 2 different docking stations (Tecknet, Tobenone) and my USB devices (webcam, speaker) do not work with the HP elitebook when I plug them into either docking station. I am able to establish an ethernet connection and HDMI connection to 2 monitors using either docking station. What gives with this HP elitebook, why cannot I connect USB devices through a docking station?

I of course have checked that my USB devices work. When I plug any of them directly into the HP elitebook, they work properly.


  • Shoan041
    Shoan041 ✭✭✭✭
    100 Comments Second Anniversary 25 Likes 5 Answers


    Did your docking station have power from the wall? You might need one that does to get enough power for the extra peripherals.

  • Yes, I tried with 2 different docking stations, neither work with the HP Elitebook. Both docking stations had power and are designed to hold the extra peripherals so I am thinking it is the laptop not docking station

  • PowerSpec_MikeW
    PowerSpec_MikeW PowerSpec Engineer
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Answers 250 Likes


    Few questions.

    1. What models are the docking stations?
    2. Do they connects via USB-C or USB-A?
    3. Do you have any devices missing drivers in Device Manager?

    Worth checking, though usually the only driver package you need is for display output on USB-A, everything else like the network is usually inbox.

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