Bluetooth/Controller problems

I notice that whenever I'm playing forza or rocket league with an xbox controller, my frames drop. This started about a week ago when I was playing forza and noticed my frames where dropping when my controller was connected wirelessly. I already tried xbox's accessory app but it doesn't work. I thought maybe the controller was worn out so I bought a new one, but I'm still having the same issues. I've already updated all my drivers, but nothing seems to be working.


  • PowerSpec_MikeW
    PowerSpec_MikeW PowerSpec Engineer
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Answers 250 Likes


    Appears to be related to signal strength and latency. If it drops, you'll suffer FPS spikes in some games. A few things I'd try.

    1. In the XBOX Accessory app, disable vibration and see if that helps.
    2. Position your antenna's on the system for better signal strength.
    3. You could try a USB bluetooth adapter on the front of the system if the above isn't possible.
    4. Any new sources of EMI interference in the house that can be turned of to see if that's a factor.
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