PowerSpec G229 won't turn on during custom driver update

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edited April 2024 in General Discussion

I was installing a graphics card driver manually for my nvdia 1660 super and I was watching a youtube video for directions. The guy on the video said to uninstall the old driver which I did and then I went to install the new one and the screen went black, but for way longer than usual with geforce experience. I clicked the screen and it froze. Then restarted my PC and it went to like a blue error screen and now it wont turn on at all. No pilot light nothing. I reseated my ram and couldn't figure out how to reseat the Graphics Card. Wondering what to do from here.. I know it must be my fault for doing during the installation by turning it off but everytime it loses power even with a surge protector it wont turn back on for like hours or even over night. I don't know if it's a safety feature but it's super annoying.


  • PowerSpec_MikeW
    PowerSpec_MikeW PowerSpec Engineer
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Answers 250 Likes


    That's pretty strange. Bad driver installation usually means at worst it crashes on startup which you can fix from safe mode where the driver won't load. Please elaborate on what you're seeing. It won't turn on at all? Or does it turn on and then shutdown after a little bit, or is it just restarting in a loop? Linking the youtube video you watched might help as well.

  • Hey I got it fixed, it was a faulty power supply. Thanks for the fast response!

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