Need full pc build help

I am looking to build my first PC and although I have basic usage requirements I know nearly nothing else about parts and components.
I will need help on a full build requirements. I would take a trip to the store and have this done in person, but a 6-8 hour trip is a little much.
I am looking for a build that will allow me to play any game without lag or connection problems, I am not concerned with needing the highest and most extensive graphic settings on everything or raytracing.
I also plan on using this PC as an indie game dev/creator and will need it to handle anything I throw at it.
Streaming/editing is also a capability I want but is not very important.
I have a budget of 1,500-1,800$ I would prefer not to max out that budget but I am willing to if I have to.


  • PaulL
    PaulL admin
    500 Comments Second Anniversary 25 Awesomes 25 Likes

    Hello @AvailableUserName! I understand the drive can certainly be a bit daunting at that distance. We certainly appreciate your dedication to working with us regardless of this, however! You will be receiving an email shortly requesting more information to better assist with your inquiry :)

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