Bought to services that didn't work and want money back. What should I do?
About 3 weeks ago I went to Micro Center for a diagnostic because my PC was boot looping after a few days they told me nothing was wrong. I take it back home and in 5 days the problem arises again. I bring it back. After a few days, they told me I needed to reimage because the OS was corrupted and asked if I wanted a backup. I told them yes. I take it back home. After 1 day it started to boot looping again I brought it back and they said it was the motherboard that was the issue. Now I have a backup that I paid for and a reimage that I paid for that didn’t work. So I spent 250$ I didn’t need to spend what I wanted back.
What should I do?
For that I would recommend contacting the manager at you local store to discuss this.
So far as diagnosing the actual issue. That type of gradual OS corruption typically means memory to me. I'd create a bootable memtestx86 flash drive and run 4 passes overnight:
What are the full specs on the system?
Cpu i7 9700f
motherboard was a Lenovo motherboard so no exact model
32 gb ram (16x2)
gpu 1660 ti
Quite a few options on an older system. Is the system currently at the store?
It’s at my house
I bought a new motherboard and cpu
z790 pro ddr4 and i5 12600kf
i was planning to use ram from old system is that a bad idea? -
No. Keep an eye on the new system, if the problem reoccurs, I'd start by testing the RAM. Other possibility would be the drive/storage controller, but you're ruling out the controller at least with the board/CPU swap.
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