I am having issues with the Build Showcase

On 6/13/2024, my younger brother submitted a build that got approved. The issue is that it somehow got onto my account as a saved build. It was approved under my account somehow and we received nothing since it should be his first time submitting a build. We contacted customer service and were told the issue would be resolved by Tuesday, possibly. It's frustrating but hey if it gets solved cool.

We got nothing. I had already deleted the old build that was under his name on my account. He eventually contacted customer support (6/18/2024) and was told to just remake it. Annoying but we move on. While all this occurred I noticed that a build that was not mine labeled "Sarah's " and "mini-itx" appeared on my account. I contacted support and realized I had not saved it as a screenshot before refreshing it. Today he was checking his Microcenter build out of curiosity and the new build he was told to remake was gone. Now he is remaking it unsure if it is just going to disappear again.

What can I do now? We were planning to use the coupon from submitting his build to get the $25 Coupon so I can get him a PCIE Wifi 6 Card and a Fan Y-splitter cable for a reduced cost….


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