I have a build I've made but would like to see the opinions of others
I'm upgrading from a laptop to a tower finally but, wanted to see what others would think as once the miami location opens im getting it.
The only thing that I would change would to switch the 2.5 in SSD to another NVME drive since the motherboard has slots for 2 more drives.
Going to agree with Zuua here! If you are using this system for gaming, the download speeds you get with an NVMe are going to be much better than that of a SATA drive
Thanks all for the help, I’ve been getting told that my cooler isn’t the best but I don’t know what parameters I should be measuring or looking into
This will depend on what you are looking for! Are you looking to stay with an AIO or do you like fan cooled? Any specific price range or color you want to stick with?
I'd recommend this 1tb m.2 for your secondary or primary:
For cooling I'd do this or something similar, there is a lot of choices in this area:
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