Crashing with NVME SSD

I recently purchased an Inland 2tb Performance Plus NVME M.2 SSD from Micro Center. I installed Windows 11 on it and it kept crashing. The crash would be a sudden cut to black (no BSOD). After the cut to black, the PC wouldn’t turn back on until I cycle the power supply.

This happens repeatedly. I reinstalled Windows 11 4 more times using different installation medias and I get the same result.

I then called Micro Center tech support and the tech had me run diskchk. The problem still occurred. He then agreed with me that it seemed most likely to be a faulty drive and directed me to exchange it for a new one.

When installing the second new drive, the problem still occurred. I’ve installed Windows 11, Windows 10 and Arch Linux on this drive. All OS’s crash in the same way.

I then moved the SSD to the other M.2 slot on the mobo and the same crash happens.

On Windows, going into the event viewer, the only thing that is recorded is an “improper startup - probably caused by an improper shutdown” (wording might be slightly different, I’m working on memory for it). This tells me that it’s likely not a software issue. It seems like there is a hardware issue that is causing the crash (especially since it won’t boot after).

My next thought is to purchase a PCIe NVME adapter since U haven’t had any issues with my PCIe slots.

Any ideas on what might be happening or ways I could further diagnose the issue? I’m about at my limit with hardware knowledge.

Best Answer

  • PowerSpec_MikeW
    PowerSpec_MikeW PowerSpec Engineer
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Answers 250 Likes
    Answer ✓


    Nothing obvious in the log. Hard to catch anything on a random crash unless you set up remote logging with Riva Tuner. You're tripping either a temperature or power warning randomly, which requires the discharge to clear. Need to isolate components, try a new PSU if convenient. Could be the VRM, it's going to be a hard issue to figure out without swapping parts.


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