Why is my PC not working?
Hi! So I just built my first ever PC, but when I turn it, it doesn't give any signal to my monitor. The fans and LED's work great, but the fans on the graphics card don't spin. I've tried resetting the CMOS, but it didn't help with anything. I've also tried using only 1 stick of RAM, and cleaning the graphics card. Are there any explanations for why my PC isn't working? The parts used are listed below:
Sapphire Pulse AMD Radeon RX 6600 8GB GDDR6 Graphics Card (Graphics Card)
AMD Ryzen 7 5700X (Processor)
Montech X3 Mesh 6pcs, 3 x 140mm& 3 x 120mm Fixed RGB Lighting Fans ATX Mid-Tower (Case)
ID-COOLING SE-214-XT ARGB CPU Cooler 4 Heatpipes CPU Air Cooler (CPU cooler)
16gb Ddr4 Ram Neo Forza (2x8gb) 3200 1.35V (RAM)
ASUS Prime B450M-A II AMD AM4 (Motherboard)
AGV Series 500W Power Supply, 80 Plus Bronze Certified, Non Modular Power Supply (PSU)I don't know what could be going wrong.
Power LED should flash a POST debug code at you. What's it saying?
It's not flashing anything for some reason
Make sure the cable is connected properly to the positive/negative. Please post a picture of the build.
One sec
Your monitor is connected to the Radeon card and not the motherboard, correct? Power LED is solid? Is it solid all the time or does it flash a bit as it starts up?
Yes, I don't know what happens, sometimes the LED is solid, but some times it flashes a bit. I don't know what triggers it, because it seems random
Are all the cables looking good?
Everything is connected from what I can see. The flashing should be an indicator of the error. It is a B450, possible it needs a BIOS update, but that's hard to believe with new hardware that you wouldn't get a BIOS out of the box to support that CPU.'
Noticed, that's not the screw to secure the board with. Shouldn't cause a no POST though.
yeah, I've looked all over for what could possibly be wrong, but I can't seem to find anything
Worth breadboarding it. Pull the board out, test it on a piece of cardboard.
How do you do that?
Testing it on cardboard?
Pull the board and place it on the box it came in, try to power it on there outside the case.
Yeah, It didn't work
You've done everything you can then. Either the board needs a BIOS update or you have a defective component. Mobo/CPU/RAM are most likely. GPU could hang up the post as well. The board isn't telling us much with the debug LEDs which would lead me to assume it's failing even to initialize the processor and you're not getting to RAM or GPU.
Hmm, so it's probably the BIOS
More likely a bad component. It's unlikely that a new board would have a BIOS that far out of date.
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