Need PC upgrade advice


I Built my PC almost 10 yrs ago with components I purchased at MicroCenter and it's way passed time for me to upgrade. My rig isn't even Windows 11 compatible! I'm looking to upgrade MB, processor, ram, and GPU. I have a 750 watt power supply that I'd like to keep using, as well as my current case, liquid cooler, and SSD. I will probably have to upgrade my monitor as it uses DVI and everything is now HDMI. I need at least a 27" monitor.

I'm looking at the upgrade bundles and they seem to be the way to go, but I'm not sure which one is best for me. I have and AMD FX 8350 processor, but I can go Intel if it's a better choice. I use my PC for internet, some work, and I'm a casual gamer (well, maybe a notch or 2 above casual, but not hardcore). I'm currently using an old Nvidia GTX-970 GPU and would like to stay with that brand.

How do I decide which MB/Processor/RAM bundle is best for me? GPU? I'm not looking for the "ultimate" upgrade- the lower the total cost for me, the better. I can't spend more than $1K. $500- $800 is even better.

Then I have a OS question. I bought Windows 8 when I built my rig. Would I re-install it when I upgrade, and then just update it online, or would I have to purchase a newer version?

Thanks in advance!


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