Warranty is a hassle

I purchased a two year warranty on the MSI B650I MPG Edge WiFi Motherboard less than a month ago.

The Salesman, Tyler G. who the sold me the warranty, said that living 200 miles away is not an issue. Because I can ship it in for warranty services. This is not true.

Micro Center Service Rep: "I sincerely apologize for warranty claims we do not offer any shipping options available, our service techs would need to see the motherboard in-store. From there they can provide a replacement or in-store credit for the price you paid."

This board is having the typical CMOS issue, a well known issue on many forums. Never Buy a Microcenter Warranty if you are hundreds of mile from a Microcenter.

It's odd to me that MSI will RMA this item with a return label, but paying Microcenter for a "Hassle free Warranty" offers ZERO options to return, I even offered to pay for Shipping for them to inspect it.

But hey, "If you are not close to a Micro Center" you can call.


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