Is there a way to uptade GPU drivers without beign able to use the computer is installed in?
I recently upgraded my PCs components mostly because the motherboard was damaged. I turned on my computer and immediately some graphics problems showed because the image was just white and pink. Did a restart and it go solved. Then I went ahead and format the PC because it was being previously used by someone else. When the format was completed and Windows asked me to sign-in at the end of the "Restore this PC" when I click Next a totally green screen shows up and then the computer just shuts off. It doesn't turn off because all of the lights are still on but there is no display at all.
From what I've been looking around of people with the same problems there is two factors Radeon's drivers being out of date and 5700xts (Which is the graphic I have). I can literally not get pass the Sig-in portion so I can not installed any new drivers at least as far as I know.
Pls help.
Turn it on, when you get to the loading screen turn it off. Do this 5 times or so, and it'll enter the automatic repair mode. From them menu, go Advanced, Startup settings. In safe mode, the driver won't load.
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