Does Micro Center not want my money? Either the site is down or I have been blocked for months now
Very sorry to hear about the issues you are having with our website! Do you happen to have a VPN enabled or are you located outside the US?
I do not have a VPN enabled and even if texas feels like another country sometimes, its still in the US - I live 8 miles from MC, I am on a PC that everything came from that store. last year
That is good information to know. I am going to go ahead and send you an email to see if we can get a few more details to see how we can help!
also having issues so i went from chrome to edge on android phone and all set.
Have you already tried clearing your browser's cache and cookies? Do you have any antivirus or VPNs?
So I have to only check microcenter on my phone? No thanks- Im not going to buy PC parts from someone that cant even keep a site up- it would be like buying car parts from a hitch hiker - I deserve better, if you dont thats you call
I guess not
for a couple months- Used to like microcenter, can they hire some compentent folks like the ones in-store to run the website?
Thank you for the screen shots! We are not experiencing any issues with our website at this point. Can you try another browser on your computer? If you are using Chrome, try Edge or Firefox, etc.
I have tied both edge and chrome. Thanks anyway.
I am very sorry for all of the trouble! :( I recommend reaching out to our support team at so we can create a ticket and look into this if you are able.
I believe I have emailed the support team over a month ago... With zero response. Im over it already, I enjoyed MC while I could, too many options that actually want the business to put so much effort into spending money with those that clearly don't want it.
Thanks -
I apologize for the late reply! I see that we had reached out to you on Oct 19 6:30 pm regarding this matter. Can you confirm that it was not sent to your spam?
I checked my spam folder.. I have replied to everything I have received no matter how silly it was. I have already gotten a answer to my original question, not they answer I had hoped for bit the answer just the same. It is no, they do not.
Well, let's see here, as of December 3, 2024
My current experience is this…ALL links to EVERYTHING (including on the newsletters I receive in my e-mail) result in 502 bad gateway.
I have been in IT for all of my adult life, and I have been using nginx as my primary web server for…. um… so long that I can't remember.
502 bad gateway can be so so so many things. Did you try deploying to a new CDN to reduce load and it failed? I don't remember if you guys are using C# / ASP .Net (I think you are because I once applied to one of your guys' programming roles a while back.) So to me I see this, and I think about that, and I basically am reading this:
1: You are probably (but not necessarily) using IIS and it's failing,
2: You are attempting to use ASP .Net Core, which is viable, but still relatively new compared to ASP .Net on IIS.
3: nginx is being used as a proxy and it's failing to connect to the internally hosted location (one of the above two)#3 is a pretty common set up, and I do it quite a bit.
Without logs I see the following possibilities:
Your primary web site server (code) is failing to execute OR is failing to connect to your database and refusing to load. This tells me you don't have a failover option (or somehow you've managed to have ALL of your failovers ALSO fail.The database is down, the server is failing to load, a number of things.
Every once in a while it seems to load for a few minutes, so the only other thing I can think of right now is one of a few:
A code change failed causing the primary web server deployment to fail, or there's enough traffic that it's actually causing a bottleneck preventing the nginx ←→ web server that actually runs code from communicating
Sometimes when it does load it does stay up then I'm guessing some code on the web site attempts to execute causing another failure because then a 502 just sort of appears without interaction. (I haven't been watching the console though.)
Not sure how your system is actually configured and everything I've said is speculation, but if region relevant to your CDN distribution (assuming you use one), I shop at the Kroger in front of the MicroCenter / PowerSpec corporate office.
Hopefully your guys sysadmins / developers get it figured and stabilized.
I'm having this issue as well. No problems on incognito mode. The issue is only on my phone. So frustrating! I've cleared my cache, essentially reset chrome, cleared the app data from the browser app even.
Has anyone had any luck? -
No luck here.. All I've got was the run around ie... Do stuff that I have already done several times. There is a thread on redit, we are not they only ones by far. I have given up.
I am getting the same 500 error in Chrome. It works fine in Firefox. I have a HAR file if someone wants to email me for it or provide an email address to send it to.
I just had this same issue in Chrome. Restarting browser did not fix it. However, I was able to resolve it by doing the following steps:
1. When on the micro center 500 error page, open Chrome Dev tools by pressing F12
2. Go to Application Tab
3. Go to Storage on the left
4. In the main panel, click the button that says Clear Site Data.
I imagine you can also clear your browser's entire cache and that would also fix it, but I didn't want to do that because I would get logged out of every other website I use.
So anyway, I guess for some reason the site session data gets corrupted over time.
Hope this helps.
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