Someone help me choose parts for my first computer

edited October 13 in Help Choosing Parts

I just wanted for someone to guide me through my first computer and I know nothing but I am looking for something that is the fastest posible that also looks clean. This si my build so far just from info on the web but I know it's def really wrong so please don't flame me for it. I just would like some help and my budget is like 5000 since I will have this for like 5-6 years. I probably will use it for daily life like school and like online fps games. I will also be playing graphical games like Wukong and other Soulslike games. Thank you for your time.


  • Great build! Not really much I would change. HDD is not generally recommended these days. If you are able I recommend sticking with the M.2 NVMe for games and what not. For document/video storage a SATA SSD would be fine, similar to the Samsung - 870 EVO you have selected

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