Any details about MicroCenter's Nvidia 5000 Series launch?

First Comment
edited January 7 in Graphics Cards

Will we be able to order for online pickup or will we have to physically be in store?
Hopefully there will be a limit of how many 1 person can get, if so how many units?
Any idea on total stock?

I am determined to get a 5090 on 1/30 and need to know if I have to prepare to camp out the night before 🙂


  • Hi! For the release, it will be a limit of 1 card per household for sure. As the cards will be in high demand with the release, they will be first come first serve so reservations will be closed for them. As for the stock, we do not get any detailed information quite literally until they arrive the night before… I would keep an eye on our website for any changes as it is updated in real time.

  • Good news! I was hoping for no lottery or online ordering/reserving horrors!
  • The_Rafcave
    The_Rafcave ✭✭
    Photogenic First Comment
    edited January 9
    Hopefully enough day one stock of the major brands.  I'm having a hard time choosing which premium 5090!  Waiting for reviews...
  • As an avid supporter of Microcenter. Although my nearest stores are of almost equal 120 mile ( 2.5 hour drive each way) I would rather support MC than any of the online retailers. - That being said I would love for MC to support not just the local but remote patrons. For releases like this It would be awesome if they could take a leaf out of EVGA's book where you could register interest and get a 30 minute window to place your order and if you miss it it goes to the next name. - Not everyone can or is capable of camping out for a night (especially in late January in Chicago or Indianapolis). and there is always the risk of a wasted journey if they are customer 21 out 20 available.

  • Hello all! Just an update on this, to ensure a smooth and fair process, we will be using a voucher system on launch day. Vouchers will be distributed to those in line on a first-come, first-served basis shortly before the store opens. A voucher guarantees you the ability to purchase a GPU, but it does not guarantee a specific model or manufacturer.

    As for the camping out, you are welcome to come visit us prior to the store opening on launch day, however, for safety reasons, we discourage camping out overnight.

    We are still working on creating a launch page for this! I will link it here once we can finalize it.

  • Thanks Paul.  Question about the voucher, once you get a voucher, does It grant you a choice of any brand you have Instock?  Or Is It a random brand? 
  • Rafcave 

    For the 3000 series launch they just gave out vouchers and whatever was available when your number was called was what you had to choose from. Needless to say the higher your number the more likely you will be offered a Zotak haha.
  • Launch page is finally out!

    @The_Rafcave @Chasemm18 What Chase said was correct, it will be for whatever is available at the time of use with your voucher

  • Can you guys confirm that all locations will be participating in the first come first served voucher system? I ask because my location told me today that they will be using a lottery system. My location is the Westbury location. Are some stores just going to ignore these directions and do their own thing?

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