How do I turn off the rgb on my new G448 Powerspec (MSI Pro Z790-P WiFi Motherboard)
There was a similar, earlier question posted in 2023 (G441 in that instance) with nearly identical description to my own situation.
Physical case buttons change fan and internal led colors and cycle lighting effects. No issue there, works fine. Unfortunately there seems to be no button nor software based means by which to turn them off altogether if desired. Mystic Light app seems to be entirely ineffectual with no apparent control at all over hardware observed. Uninstalled, reinstalled, same results.
Is this a known issue? Is there some other software that successfully controls case fan and internal lighting settings?
Mystic Lights via the MSI Center app will control it. Make sure it's synced. Set a solid color or off, then toggle 'M' until it matches.
There is no hardware "off" setting so syncing that specific way is not possible.
Within Mystic Light, there is no "solid" setting, but there is the "steady" LED style? Assuming that is what you are referring to, I have followed your instructions and observed no obvious correlation between software settings and hardware status.
Am I missing something?
Strike that last comment from me. Figured it out based on your instructions. Thank you!
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