The RTX 5000 Launch At Marietta was Unacceptable
The launch for RTX 5000 series at the Marietta GA store was completely unacceptable. I was nearly trampled while trying to get in line since that location just insisted on no lining up till 9pm. There was a list of people who were there ealriest but nobody cared. The only people who ended up getting cards were the ones causing all the trouble for the staff and other customers. Like standing in the road, shoving and pushing people, and refusing to comply with anything the store manager said. Absolutely 0/10 launch will probably never set foot in a micro center again. Though let it be known, this was not the fault of any of the staff members or managers. They were the only reasonable people there and frankly don't get paid enough to babysit 70 manchildren. If any individual is to blame it would be the store owner who put the no line till 9pm policy into place and did nothing about the fallout that occurred. This isn't about the low stock or not getting a card, but about how poorly this was handled and how people could have really gotten hurt over a computer part.
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