G447 SSD location

Just purchased a G447, (and altho a bit skeptical about whether I had made a smart purchase, was reassured once I read all the positive things in the comments) It can't with a 1TB SSD, and I would eventually like to upgrade that. Was looking for the SSD but for the life of me I don't 'see' it, or perhaps I'm not sure what SSDs look like these days. I have performed SSD upgrades on previously owned desktops, so I have certain experience. Looking at the mother board, I see the 4070 graphics card, the processor, RAM cards, but no hard drive. Would appreciate guidance on this. Thanks 


  • PowerSpec_MikeW
    PowerSpec_MikeW PowerSpec Engineer
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Answers 250 Likes


    It's an NVMe drive. It's on the motherboard, above the GPU. There's a heatsink covering it that's secured by two screws. The board has three additional M.2 slots below the GPU, one is blocked by the card and would require you remove the card to install it. You're looking for this:

  • Thanks MikeW. I found it. I want to add a 2TB SSD for storage, What SSDs does MC recommend as upgrade for this board. Preferably a 'plug n play' one that does not involve having to mess with the BIOS. Thanks for your time and effort.
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