ESET License Activation
On Feb 8, 2022, I bought four 3-year ESET licenses, two for my laptop and two for my desktop. The Micro Center technicians were able to stack two 3-year licenses on my laptop, giving me 6 years of ESET coverage. However, they were not able to stack the two licenses on my desktop. I was advised by "Paul N." from Micro Center sales, that one 3-year license was installed on my desktop but the other license was deactivated and "is available for activation at a later date." He recommended that I wait until the license expiration date in 2025 and then activate the last license. I have the license number and license key for the deactivated 3-year coverage.
However, I contacted ESET Techical Support this week and spoke to a representative "Carlos G." who open an ESET case #00897899 about this problem. Unfortunately he was unable to activate the license because in 2024 ESET cancelled all inactivated licenses. I was advised by ESET that I needed to contact Micro Center to get a replacement 3-year license. I have my receipt for the purchase, reference 121-PO-12140871, and a screen shot of the license 3AS-EVM-M79 as "Available". Since this inactivated license was cancelled, I would like to get a replacement 3-year license. If this could be done remotely, it would be convenient, but I will be in Watertown tomorrow picking up my car from service, so I could come to the your store in Cambrige, MA, if necessary
Please let me know how I can activate the ESET license to get coverage on my desktop until 2028. My e-mail is and my home phone is 781-449-5371.
Steve McKnight
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