help choosing parts to rebuild an old desktop

I am an amateur landscape and wildlife photographer and my computer needs are solely focused on that work. For awhile i have been using my laptop for all of my photo editing needs, but i recently found my old desktop in some of my old things when i was visiting my parents. It was about 10 years ago when i got that computer and was wondering if upgrading that might give me a better user experience than my laptop. I could use some help determining what i can keep from the old desktop and what will give me the most bang for my buck for rebuilding it, or if it's so out of date that it's a lost cause.

My #1 priority is for the computer to run Photoshop and Lightroom efficiently and smoothly. I dont really play any games and haven't in years.

Current build: HP Envy tower, DVD RW drive, intel i5 (maybe 4th gen? i got it in 2014), 8GB RAM, XFX R7700 graphics card, Seagate barracuda 2000GB hard drive.

First, motherboard and CPU. i know i need a new motherboard that will accept DDR4 RAM cards. any advice on CPU? would a new i5 be fine, or would i be better off with a i7?

second, do i need a new graphics card, or is the R7700 still good? and will it be compatible with a new motherboard/CPU if i update those?

RAM: i already bought some new DDR4 cards thinking that would be a quick upgrade before i realized they were not compatible with my current motherboard. 2x32GB corsair Vengeance LPX.

Hard drive: i would like to keep the current hard drive as it still has plenty of space and seems to still be working fine. i have 2 free slots in my tower for additional hard drives at some point if that makes sense, but i don't feel it is necessary at the moment. i also have a free space for another disc drive, but I don't know if that's worth even bothering with. maybe a bluray disc drive would be nice, if that's a thing?

lastly, I would like some suggestions on monitors. currently i'm using an old 1080p LCDTV. when i'm not using the computer, i'm usually using it for streaming with an amazon firestick. if i want to get the best possible performance for editing my photos, do i need a dedicated computer monitor, or can i continue using my TV as a monitor? would i still be able to use my firestick on a computer monitor/ do they have multiple inputs?


  • magarity
    magarity ✭✭✭✭
    Fourth Anniversary 500 Comments 25 Answers 25 Up Votes

    Basically you need a new system. That old HP almost certainly has a proprietary motherboard layout and power supply. So you even need a new case.

    The graphics card from 2014 is probably a 7700 HD. I assume it is still functional; for 2D photo work it should be OK.

    You haven't mentioned a budget for a new system, so it's really hard to advise you what to get.

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