best computer build under 2000 help

i know nothing some one plz build me a daank pc under 2000


  • Hello Eddy0011 and welcome to the forum. What are your plans for the PC? Are you a gamer, video editor, DJ, or maybe a little of everything? Also does your budget include peripherals like keyboards, mouse, monitor?

  • TheITDad
    TheITDad ✭✭
    10 Comments First Answer 5 Likes Name Dropper
    edited February 2020
    Well without knowing the answer to @TSNickW question I did 2 builds.  One no peripherals and one with.  Now each build can have some tweaks done based on what exactly your doing.  But both builds should be pretty good gaming/streaming builds and should be able to handle lite workstation work without to much trouble.  Now the one with peripherals is your basic peripherals (mouse, monitor, keyboard).  If you want anything extra you will have to either specify or adjust yourself.  Was able to keep the same CPU and GPU for both so main horse power of these machines is practically identical.  What you had to sacrifice to get the peripherals is a slightly cheaper PSU but still has those all black cables and should handle your power needs.  Also had to go with a B450 board instead of the x570 which cuts into your ability to upgrade your cpu down the road without getting a whole new board.  Also went with a 240mm AIO instead of the 360 which will only slightly limit your OC abilities but not by much.  And lastly had to cut your storage down from 5 total TB with 1 TB being NVME to 500gb NVME and 2 tb of spinning.  Still not bad but literally half the storage to make room for a good monitor and extras.  Also didn't include Win10 keys with either because well either Linux or adjust accordingly to your needs.

    Without peripherals.

    With peripherals:  Keyboard and mouse are pretty basic "gaming" combo that also got you a mousepad.  And monitor is a 144hz, 1ms response time monitor.
  • @TheITDad Wow man! You guys do some really good work here!
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