Very first gaming build!

Hey guys! I'm looking to build my first PC and have very basic knowledge of what I'm doing. My budget is from $1500 - $1800. I want to be able to run high graphical settings with over 60 FPS if possible. I already own a mouse and keyboard but have no monitor. Also, regarding the CPU; I have friends who swear by AMD and some who say Intel is the only/best option. Thoughts?

Thanks in advance!

Best Answer


  • Thanks so much Michael for taking the time to put these together so quickly. You've provided some great options here and I think the third build is definitely closest to my personal needs.

    I have colleagues who swear by both AMD and Intel so your more agnostic and preferential explanation really helped me out! If you or anyone else that happens to see this has any tips or anything else for me, I'd greatly appreciate it!

    Thanks again!

  • You're very welcome Yamero. The biggest tip I can recommend would be to make sure that you enable Nvidia's G-Sync technology. It's going to be instrumental in making sure your gaming experience is extremely smooth, free of jittering and tearing. Here is a quick article on how to do so: Lastly, if you do decide to get that Dell monitor, tweak the color settings a little bit. While they are already pretty good out of the box, the panel looks phenomenal when properly tuned. For my panel, the best colors were achieved when setting red at 96, green at 99, and leaving blue at 100. Gamma is going to be subjective, but I like my panels dark since I often game in a dark room. I run my gamma at 0.83 and brightness at 13%, but this is going to be up to your personal preference.

    One last recommendation. The LanCool II chassis comes with a spot to add a USB Type C port. It requires a cable to add and attach to a motherboard. If you need that cable, it can be found here: If you have any questions, please let us know!

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