First time build. Need some advice
I play mostly Fortnite and Warzone, but I also Play GTA V, Call of Duty, and some other games. I already have an AOC CQ27G1 1440p 144Hz monitor, as well, and I would like to be able to play Fortnite at 1440p 144fps. I know most of the other games won’t run at that, but I’d prefer they run at more than 60fps since I’m coming from an Xbox One X. My main concern is if I need to upgrade anything I decided on, or if there are even some places I could downgrade and pay less and still get what I’m looking for? Any help is appreciated!
Here is the link:
SIDENOTE: I’m also a controller player, so the keyboard and mouse don’t need to be stellar. Just something that functions so I can do my school work.
From what I can tell you did pretty good with a budget of 1400-1500 bucks. I only changed two things and really they are small changes. First I upgraded your ram to 3600 speed ram instead of 3200 because Ryzen processors really benefit from that extra speed and "downgraded" your motherboard to a cheaper 570 board. Didn't need to pay the extra money for it unless there are some bells on whistles you really want. I'm assuming you already have your basic keyboard and mouse and monitor. Otherwise in the searching for a monitor just filter by 144hz, 1ms response time and you should find a lot of options to choose from ranging between 150-200 bucks.
@TheITDad Thanks for the heads up and the changes. The motherboard I picked is actually the same price as the one you gave after a rebate! And as far as the bells and whistles go, what might you be referring to that’s different between the two? And I do already have a monitor, and its the AOC CQ27G1 1440p 144Hz monitor and i found a nice keyboard and mouse combo; it’s the MSI Vigor GK30 RGB! Also, what’s your opinion between the Ryzen Ryzen 7 3800X and the 3700X? I picked the 3800X, but I see a lot of people saying the difference isn’t worth the extra money?
Yeah the difference in cost between them when compared to performance generally isn't worth it when it comes to the 3700x and 3800x. It is an easy place to save money and keep near identical performance. And as for bells and whistles really it's whether or not you want PCIE gen 4 support. And currently there isn't a whole lot of reason for it because you would have to by a more expensive m.2 drive to even take advantage of gen 4 and graphics cards are all still on gen3. But if you can get it for the same price with a rebate then I guess you can "future proof" your mobo by having gen 4 support native as for when things do start using it in the next few years. But that may be another place to try to save money and go with an even cheaper 570 board if you can find one.
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