Help please! new gamer looking to build a pc! price range $1000-$1200 plus tax and such.
I am hoping to be able to get a build together that i can pick everything up in one trip at the St.louis Park location in MN. I am new to building PC's so any help would be very appreciated!
this is what i have put together by looking at others builds on this site but are all these parts compatible? -
Hello fellow Minnesotan!
It's definitely all compatible. Looks like a pretty balanced build for the price too.
Hi @Jimothy_Ha1pert! Welcome to the community.
Everything in your build is compatible and it's a pretty solid setup overall. One thing I'll mention is make sure when you purchase the parts that the box for the motherboard says "AMD Ryzen 3000 Desktop Ready" on the box. Almost all the 400-series boards we have should have the BIOS updated to be compatible with the 3rd gen Ryzen CPUs out of box at this point, but double check and make sure before you walk out of the store with the build just to be safe.
I also have some questions/recommendations for the RAM. Do you work with extremely RAM intense applications? My assumption is you're going to be using this build mostly for gaming, in which case 32GB of RAM is definitely overkill. 16GB is more than enough for gaming and if you REALLY needed to add more later on, you always have that room. Another thing to note is that the kit you chose is 3200 speed. Ryzen 3rd gen CPUs in particular will receive a very nice performance benefit from higher speed memory. The sweetspot is 3600, with the only caveat being that B450 boards may not be able to run 3600 stable all the time (your mileage may vary), so you may also want to consider an X470 or X570 board instead in that case. With that in mind, I would actually recommend changing over to this kit instead:
And then maybe consider swapping the board for something like one of these:
You don't have to replace the B450 board if you jump to 3600 memory of course, it will just likely be a little more reliable in terms of stability for RAM speeds. Plenty of good B450 boards can handle 3600, but it's not always a guarantee. X570 boards were designed with 3600 speed in mind. -
Thanks for all your wonderful feedback! it will deff help! i think i will switch those out! i picked those parts by just looking at other peoples builds.
this is what i put together with your suggestions!
Definitely a solid setup, I think you'll be very happy with it!
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