Need help building my first gaming computer
I am looking for price points and builds on gaming computers that can run Rust, Escape, Cod, Battle Royal, Sports etc... not looking to spend an arm and a leg, but I do want to be able to run on decent setting. I do not need a monitor mouse or keyboard.
Best Answer
Hello @TylerWagoner! Welcome to the Community.
What kind of resolution and framerates were you wanting to play at?
Also, if you can provide some idea of the kind of budget you're looking for that would be pretty helpful, because "not looking to spend an arm and a leg" will mean different things depending on who you ask. For some that might mean maximum $600, for others that could be a comfortable $1000 give or take a bit.
Id like to stay under $1000 if thats possible. For resolution and frame rates I guess 1080P 60F. I'm really not to sure on anything, i'm an xbox player and I want to convert to Pc gaming for the games listed. I need a pc that will run the games I want to play and not look like poop basically.
Do you need peripherals (monitor/mouse/keyboard) included? Is your $1000 range before/after tax? Thanks!
only peripherals I would possibly need is a keyboard, which doesn't need to be added into the $1000. $1000 before tax
- Close to your price point.
Jayremy's build is a pretty solid Intel option, though I noticed it doesn't seem to be including the cost of a case which throws the total off.
I'll throw in my recommendation for a slightly different configuration, since I'm a bit of an AMD fanboy right now:
The Ryzen 5 3600X comes with a decent stock cooler so you save some cost not having to buy an extra one. The 2060KO is a great video card at the price point and with this setup you should be able to run any game at 1080p/60FPS with no problems.
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