Help with CPU

I'm trying to decide on a CPU for a budget build. I'm stuck between the Ryzen 5 1600AF and the 2600X. My understanding is that the 2600X is better, but not significantly compared to the 1600AF, but considerably more expensive. What are the pros and cons I should bee aware of?

Also, does Micro center have the 1600AF in stock?


  • Hello @Ruohao!  Welcome to the Micro Center Community!

    I would recommend the Ryzen 5 1600AF if you are looking for price to performance.  Unfortunately we do not carry this processor and I am unable to find the 1600 AF purchasable anywhere.  The only real pro with 2600X is the higher clock speeds, things will run faster and perform slightly better.  Benchmarks put it at ~10% increase over the 1600 AF.  
  • TSTonyV
    TSTonyV ✭✭✭✭✭
    1000 Comments Fourth Anniversary 250 Likes 25 Answers
    The cons are that the 1600AF is ever so slightly slower than the 2600X. There's otherwise no functional differences. The 1600AF has the same number of cores/threads and is built on the same process as the 2600X, it's just not quite able to reach the same clock speeds. The real world performance difference is very small. 

    Unfortunately we don't carry the 1600AF
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