Arcade Cabinet Builds!
This discussion has a more recent version.
Hey all. I'm the new buyer for the Arcade Cabinet parts. I'm working on some exciting things that will hopefully be in stores in the next month or two. Assuming price point and quality are the top two requests, what else are people looking for in terms of arcade cabinet builds? What functions, controls, setups etc.
3/4 Size Cabinet From the Batcave (my first build.) Fully licensed from Atari.
3/4 Size Cabinet From the Batcave (my first build.) Fully licensed from Atari.
Hi Andy,
Is this the new 3/4 cab from MicroCenter? If so, do you have any other photos of it? The website only has the one view. It'd be great if they could show several different angles or maybe a build video or something? This unit looks very interesting.
Best regards,
Anthony -
@WaltherWhite This is the 3/4 size cabinet. I'll get some more pictures of it posted early next week. Is there anything in particular you're looking for?
Here's some more pics of the 3/4 cab:
The control panel has a nice, low contrast graphic:
The back and control panel are hinged to make it easy to access the internals:The bottom back is also hinged, and there's a large space you can use for storage:
Hi Nick,
Thanks, that would be great! I'm just trying to get a better idea of the overall size and a better look at things like the control panel and the back of the unit. I'm about 6' 4" tall, so I'm just trying to see how it would fit me. Also, I've been to the Dallas store a few times hoping to see a floor sample, but currently there isn't one.
Thanks again,
Wow, that was fast! Thanks for the pics! Looks pretty nice.
@WaltherWhite The control panel is about 41" off the ground. I'm 6'2" and am standing at a 3/4 size cab in this picture.
Hope that helps! -
Ok. I bought one of these 3/4 cabinets and I've been slowly buying all the parts I need. Can you please tell me exactly what size monitor/tv will fit in there. I know the box says 27 but then I've read that that leaves a few inches on both sides. There's not much info out there for your 3/4, just the full size. If you could please let me know the exact size screen that would fit, it would help. Thanks.
@Marvin19 The 3/4 cabinet was designed to be used with a 27" monitor. There will be a small amount space on each side of the monitor, which would be covered by the graphics if you choose to use our graphics. Andy's post at the very top of this thread shows this pretty well. A larger monitor may fit and reduce the space around the edges, but we have not tested any larger monitors and our graphics would cut off the edges of a larger monitor.
Not every 27" monitor will work. I needs to have a VESA mount, and the power and HDMI ports need to be on the bottom rather than the back. We have tested these two monitors and they will work properly in a 3/4 cabinet:
Our Retro Arcade Builder might be helpful if you're still working out what parts you need:
Hi Andy, just wanted to say that you seem to be doing a great job! Hopefully Micro Center recognizes it.
With that said, do know if Micro Center is planning to add a 4 player stand up cabinet in 2021?
Hi Andy, I will second @WaltherWhite comments that Microcenter is doing a good job at building out the DIY arcade biz. And I am also super interested in a 4 player arcade cabinet. Preferably one that is able to fit a 43" tv, but 32" also works. A kit is not necessary as I would probably want to put in my own IL joysticks and Sanwa buttons.
I would definitely buy that and I have a few buddies who are in the same boat. -
Thumbs up on the 43" option! Count me in!
one of these is really 3/4 😂
For those of us that would like to create our own vinyl graphic wraps it would be extremely helpful if templates for the various arcade cabinet options were made available. Any chance of making that happen? Full-size, 3/4, bar top, and fight-stick stand. 😎
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