Was trying to update bios on my new build and my GPU turned off. Any ideas?

Was trying to update bios on my new build and my GPU turned off.  Any ideas? 
Initially booted fine, installed windows, updated drivers, and was trying to update bios on mobo.  All other components appear to be working.  Let me know if you need more information.  Thanks.
MSI B450 Gaming Pro Carbon AC mobo
Sapphire Nitro + RX 5700 XT GPU

Best Answers


  • C0v3rt_X
    C0v3rt_X ✭✭
    Fourth Anniversary 10 Comments 5 Likes First Answer
    edited May 2020
    steve_k said:
    Was trying to update bios on my new build and my GPU turned off.  Any ideas? 
    Initially booted fine, installed windows, updated drivers, and was trying to update bios on mobo.  All other components appear to be working.  Let me know if you need more information.  Thanks.
    MSI B450 Gaming Pro Carbon AC mobo
    Sapphire Nitro + RX 5700 XT GPU

    Sounds like a typical AMD problem speaking from past experiences. Obvious starting point for troubleshooting is check your PSU. Is the PCIe Graphics plugs securely connected from point A to B? The last thing I would say is you got a dead card or the PCIe slot died on your motherboard in which I would return the board for an exchange provided you have the receipt and hopefully you are not past the return date. If you are, I would consider contacting MSI to start a RMA. Mike is on to something here. Do you have a UPS. Always have one so that if you loose power the computer wont turn off when BIOS update or else you brick the motherboard.
  • steve_k said:
    Was trying to update bios on my new build and my GPU turned off.  Any ideas? 
    Initially booted fine, installed windows, updated drivers, and was trying to update bios on mobo.  All other components appear to be working.  Let me know if you need more information.  Thanks.
    MSI B450 Gaming Pro Carbon AC mobo
    Sapphire Nitro + RX 5700 XT GPU

    Also check to make sure nothing is shorting out inside the case. Pinched wires too.
  • I clicked the button to start the bios update and the monitor went to "entering power save mode."  It hasn't changed for hours.  No Debug LED's are on.  User guide says to turn off computer and unplug computer to reset cmos.  didn't know if I should turn computer off.
  • Thank you.  I will try those things.
  • TSMikeW,

    Thank you for your help.  I removed the GPU, to be sure I got it seated properly, and then removed the battery to clear the CMOS.  Put the battery back in, reinstalled the GPU, and checked all the connections.  I turned the computer back on and it booted fine with the initial factory settings.  I enabled XMP to get my ram up to speed, but I think I will leave my bios where it is at for now.  My Motherboard's bios was updated for using my AMD 5 3600X prior to me purchasing it.  It appears to have been updated in July 2019.  I don't know if doing one bios update at a time would work rather than jumping to the latest update, but I will research that first before trying it.  Again, Thank You for your help.

  • PowerSpec_MikeW
    PowerSpec_MikeW PowerSpec Engineer
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Answers 250 Likes
    If you can POST and are stable on after loading the XMP profile, I wouldn't worry about. I'd generally only update the BIOS on an AMD board for the AGESA firmware updates for the IMC, if I were having a problem hitting a certain mark on the memory overclock.

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