help picking parts since i have a bigger budget

Yessir ✭✭
10 Comments Name Dropper
edited May 2020 in Help Choosing Parts
i need a pc to play and stream games like fortnite warzone csgo apex tony made me an amazing build but now since my budget is 1 thousand i think i can make a better build and i dont have windows a monitor or mouse i would prefer a g sync monitor


  • TSTonyV
    TSTonyV ✭✭✭✭✭
    250 Likes Fourth Anniversary 1000 Comments 25 Answers
    edited May 2020
    Hi @Yessir! With your revised budget, I'll say it's definitely a little more comfortable in terms of putting a build together. One thing I do want to mention though is that monitors with G-Sync built in tend to be more expensive so I think it'd be better to stick with a cheaper monitor and keep most of your budget for the parts in your system. With that in mind I came up with this:

    It's just over the budget listed at $1013.89, but that is before taxes so if you need to take down the price a bit I would recommend you go down to a GTX 1650 Super instead of the 1660 Super. With a Ryzen 5 2600X for your CPU and 16GB of RAM on this build, it's a comfy budget option for entry level streaming. You won't be able to stream at very high settings, but it should be good enough to get the job done. 

    With that said...

    You could also buy the Powerspec G162 instead, then put in an extra hard drive for storage space and buy a 24" monitor. With the HDD and monitor added it would actually be right about $1000 after taxes but you'd get an upgrade on your processor with the Ryzen 7 2700X which would handle streaming very well. 
  • Yessir
    Yessir ✭✭
    10 Comments Name Dropper
    TSTonyV said:
    Hi @Yessir! With your revised budget, I'll say it's definitely a little more comfortable in terms of putting a build together. One thing I do want to mention though is that monitors with G-Sync built in tend to be more expensive so I think it'd be better to stick with a cheaper monitor and keep most of your budget for the parts in your system. With that in mind I came up with this:

    It's just over the budget listed at $1013.89, but that is before taxes so if you need to take down the price a bit I would recommend you go down to a GTX 1650 Super instead of the 1660 Super. With a Ryzen 5 2600X for your CPU and 16GB of RAM on this build, it's a comfy budget option for entry level streaming. You won't be able to stream at very high settings, but it should be good enough to get the job done. 

    With that said...

    You could also buy the Powerspec G162 instead, then put in an extra hard drive for storage space and buy a 24" monitor. With the HDD and monitor added it would actually be right about $1000 after taxes but you'd get an upgrade on your processor with the Ryzen 7 2700X which would handle streaming very well. 
    Thank you tony!
  • Yessir
    Yessir ✭✭
    10 Comments Name Dropper
    TSTonyV said:
    Hi @Yessir! With your revised budget, I'll say it's definitely a little more comfortable in terms of putting a build together. One thing I do want to mention though is that monitors with G-Sync built in tend to be more expensive so I think it'd be better to stick with a cheaper monitor and keep most of your budget for the parts in your system. With that in mind I came up with this:

    It's just over the budget listed at $1013.89, but that is before taxes so if you need to take down the price a bit I would recommend you go down to a GTX 1650 Super instead of the 1660 Super. With a Ryzen 5 2600X for your CPU and 16GB of RAM on this build, it's a comfy budget option for entry level streaming. You won't be able to stream at very high settings, but it should be good enough to get the job done. 

    With that said...

    You could also buy the Powerspec G162 instead, then put in an extra hard drive for storage space and buy a 24" monitor. With the HDD and monitor added it would actually be right about $1000 after taxes but you'd get an upgrade on your processor with the Ryzen 7 2700X which would handle streaming very well. 8ec21856c630 What do you think of this build tony?
  • TSTonyV
    TSTonyV ✭✭✭✭✭
    250 Likes Fourth Anniversary 1000 Comments 25 Answers
    If that's within your budget, I think it's a good build overall. Personally I would go with Ryzen 5 3600X and upgrade your GPU to something like a 1660 Super instead, but I think you'd be happy either way. 
  • Yessir
    Yessir ✭✭
    10 Comments Name Dropper
    TSTonyV said:
    If that's within your budget, I think it's a good build overall. Personally I would go with Ryzen 5 3600X and upgrade your GPU to something like a 1660 Super instead, but I think you'd be happy either way. 
    Thanks for everything!!!
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