Why is my game taking so long to load in with 120 frames and 10 ping?
I recently bought a asus gtx 1660 super 06g Phoenix and a 500 watt power supply. I have an amd fx(tm) 4300 quad core processor at 3.80 ghz and 8 gigs of ram. Would like to figure out how to fix this issue. Do I need a new processor? Motherboard? Fans?
Loading would be mainly effected by your drive performance. Do you have an SSD? Also with that GPU the FX-4300 is going to be showing it's age. The CPU will bottleneck the GPU to some extent.
could I ask what game you are trying to load into. Some games are both RAM memory hungry and frequency hungry. From what I'm seeing though its more likely the former is your problem. Often times if the frequency is high enough it can sometimes "vibrate" I guess might be the word through its fps problems. But the loading process might be looking for more ram in total to use to load in faster. An SSD or M.2 can supplement this bottlenecking, but ultimately the RAM to a degree is sort of a lubricant for the CPU. Often times a little more than you need with RAM is better than being just enough. (Kinda the same principal of choosing a Power Supply; the idea of wanting to have more power than you might need rather than just enough.) Though as a disclaimer you don't need to go crazy with a ram upgrade if you buy new ram. 16GB's right now is the sweet spot that is suggested cause most systems don't go too much over 12 to 14 GB's of ram even when mirroring and or streaming. Min specs of games are not good guidelines!!! (Unless your budget goal is all low graphics and fps settings.) You want a balanced gaming PC setup NOT too much and not too little.
With ram its not really talked about much but there are four states RAM memory is often in. There is "used" which as it sounds like the ram in use. Theres the "2nd state cashed and this somewhat bleeds into the third state standby" this middle state is a big "what if" state. Its basically ram that might be used temporarily to load in big CPU tasks. But then will return to their standby phase. This is where I think a lot of budget builds sometimes don't know about. And then of course the last 4th state "unused/not in use memory"
Its really the 2nd and 3rd state "of standby and cached" that can both end up temporarily hogging rather than eating ram. Basically its a large portion of RAM devoted to the CPU saying "I might need all this ram so just in case I'm going to devote this larger than needed portion to loading in all the important critical computing. " This insures things load in properly however it potentially comes at the cost of then CPU is focused if this bottlenecks on its one task if the standby and cashed states fill up the memory. Leaving the PC unable to make other requests. Or it might force your game to halt opening and wait for the other application to finish what its doing.
Lastly it could be that you have a lot of background process going on such as windows update tends to take overall priority as in literally pull the cpu's focus and can potentially also rev up the memory. When installing or downloading. Both of these can massively hinder gaming performance.
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