No display on monitor

Hey, I just built my pc it turns on but my monitor says no signal all plugs seem to be in the right place after checking multiple times. I have a Ryzen7 3700x on a msi 570x gaming edge, EVGA 2080super, with a EVGA 650w 80+gold. This is my first build I would really appreciate it if anyone can help.


  • PowerSpec_MikeW
    PowerSpec_MikeW PowerSpec Engineer
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Answers 250 Likes
    We can certainly look into this for you. What are the EZ_Debug LED's on the right telling you?
  • Some on please help!! I have the exact same issue.... Upsetting because the msi x570 is supposed to be "Ryzen Ready' yet im seeing countless builds with the x570 mob and AMD Ryzen 5 CPUS not POST.... The rbg string and all the fans in my system work and stay on, the system does not POST and i am compeltley unable to access my BIOS because there is no display signal coming out. i also am using a 650w PSU, could it be too low to boot this system .. (PS the EZDebug LED lights up the BOOT indicator only, cpu ram and vga all pass the testing during boot, just no display comes out)
  • Make sure your monitor is plugged into your graphics card and not your motherboard.  
  • PowerSpec_MikeW
    PowerSpec_MikeW PowerSpec Engineer
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Answers 250 Likes
    Randall is correct. If you're at BOOT the system has POST'ed, it's looking for a bootable device. You should be in the BIOS. Check your video output. Remember, even though all X570 boards have video outputs, only CPU's ending in G(Ryzen 5 3400g, Ryzen 3 3200G) have an APU to allow these ports to function.
  • thank you guys... rather embarrassed I can build a whole PC from scratch and then do something as stupid as plug the HDMI into the MOB not the GPU....... guess thats what happens when you spend hours doing cable management ! thank you guys, PC is running flawless. 
  • Ian
    Ian ✭✭✭✭✭
    Eighth Anniversary 5000 Comments 250 Answers 500 Likes
    lamb_22 said:
    thank you guys... rather embarrassed I can build a whole PC from scratch and then do something as stupid as plug the HDMI into the MOB not the GPU....... guess thats what happens when you spend hours doing cable management ! thank you guys, PC is running flawless. 
    No worries, glad to hear that helped! 
  • AlexS
    AlexS admin
    Fifth Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Answers 25 Likes
    Just for future reference, (in case you have any friends who run into this sort of issue) we do have a little guide on this sort of troubleshooting :) May be worth a bookmark!
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