Is my mobo broken

A few days ago I turned on my pc but the monitor was not getting any video signal and the pc was in a stat of max fan speeds doing nothing. I then went to the back of the psu and flipped the switch to the circle. Since then I have tried everything and I know that the psu, ram, and gpu are not the cause. I also tried to jump my system with a screwdriver but it did not work. I am assuming the mobo is dead or something. I also cleared cmos.
pc specs
rtx 2060 super FE
Asus rog z390-I itx mobo
16gb (2x8) vengeance pro ram
corsair h100i aio
samsung 970 evo 500gb 
corsair rm 650x 
corsair 280x chassis


  • @JonnyBu Good evening and thank you for reaching out to the Micro Center Community. I'm sorry to hear that your system is running into issues. One thing I would try before continuing would be to disconnect all cables from the system, including the power cable. Hold the power button for 30 seconds to discharge the system. Once done, plug the power back in, and press power. Let us know if this helps! If this does not help, let us know if anything on the computer lights when plugged in to power. 
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