Why are there no reviews?

Microcenter has the infrastructure for reviews, but there are almost none on the site (I have not seen any, though I have done a couple).  I did a 5 star review on a power supply, and it's still hanging around, but the negative review I did for a USB drive got deleted and removed from the site.

I'd like to post a negative review about a Seagate hard drive that has abysmal performance, but there's no point if it will just get deleted.  It's a 10TB SMR drive, but I didn't know about SMR until after I bought it and realized that ~40mb/sec is all I was going to get out of it.


  • TSTonyV
    TSTonyV ✭✭✭✭✭
    1000 Comments Fourth Anniversary 250 Likes 25 Answers
    Hello @allanonmage! Welcome to the Community. 

    Some products just don't have a lot of reviews because they're not products that are sold in really high volume. Some products have hundreds because they're very popular, just depends on what you're looking for. I'm not sure why a negative review would've been removed, just glancing at a number of other products on our website I can find plenty with one-star reviews showing that have been around for some time, even on our own products. I would say go ahead and leave your review, you shouldn't have to worry about it being deleted. 

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