Mobo WiFi or no?

I've already boiled my choice of motherboard to the ASRock B450 PRO4 mATX.

The big question for me is whether or not to go for the one with WiFi or not. I already have a PCE WiFi adapter in my current system (ASUS PCE-AC56) so I could just simply use that in the new build, but could the integrated WiFi on the ASRock motherboard be better than what I already have? Or should just spend less and just simply plug in my existing adapter? I'm kind of leaning towards just using my existing adapter, but if I can avoid cluttering up my new build, that'd be nice, but not at the expensive of a weaker signal (has to cut through the ceiling in my basement to the router upstairs). I specifically use the 5ghz band as it's much stronger, but the signal is slightly weaker.


  • Greetings! Welcome to the Community Waffler.  There are pros and cons to both. However I would stick with the card you already have. This is a card you are familiar with, and you know it works in your location.  The one on board may be able to perform faster but might has a different/weaker signal.
  • Waffler
    Waffler ✭✭
    10 Comments First Anniversary 5 Likes Name Dropper
    Thanks for the input, believe that’s what I’ll do. 
  • PowerSpec_MikeW
    PowerSpec_MikeW PowerSpec Engineer
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Answers 250 Likes
    You would want to look at the specs on the wireless adapter on the board, vs your PCE-AC56. Most common integrated wireless is the Intel 3168. Quotes up to 433Mbps. THe PCE-AC56 does 867Mbps on the 5Ghz band. The dedicated card is better, but weigh that against the bandwidth you're getting through your ISP. 
  • Waffler
    Waffler ✭✭
    10 Comments First Anniversary 5 Likes Name Dropper
    TSMikeW said:
    You would want to look at the specs on the wireless adapter on the board, vs your PCE-AC56. Most common integrated wireless is the Intel 3168. Quotes up to 433Mbps. THe PCE-AC56 does 867Mbps on the 5Ghz band. The dedicated card is better, but weigh that against the bandwidth you're getting through your ISP. 
    Now that just solidified my decision to migrate my adapter to the new build.
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