Help choosing replacement power supply

I have a power supply that recently gave out it was an ATX 400w switching power supply, model: SL-F400. I just need help choosing one that will do the same job that is more readily purchasable. Thanks


  • PowerSpec_MikeW
    PowerSpec_MikeW PowerSpec Engineer
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Answers 250 Likes
    That's a basic Apex Solytech SL-F400 400W power supply. You just need to purchase an ATX power supply that provides at least as much wattage. There would be a lot of options available to you in store depending on your location. I would expect a good  unit, in the 400-550W range to be between $40-60 roughly.
  • Derek22
    Derek22 ✭✭
    Second Anniversary 10 Comments Name Dropper
    Yea I'm by the Chicago one so I'll go there. Thanks for the help!
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